Narrow Path Blog

Is Religion the doorway to heaven?

Religion religion is not the doorway into heaven. From a very young age my personal conversations with Yahusha were so fulfilling and wonderful that I could never quite grasp the controls of religion. There is a freedom in Yahusha. Inside that freedom grows the desire in one's heart to be like Yahusha, to take on his characteristics, to flow in his loving ways, and to walk with him daily. Any request he makes of me, is the delight of my heart to fulfill.
In my community, I have visited almost every church. I have spent time with them, observed their ways and my heart is broken. The people strive to keep the traditions of religion and often in the process get confused about or loose relationship with Yahusha. This happens over time because they are blinded by the personality and the traditions of the organization that they are unable to see or receive any new move of Yahuah. 
The word of Yahuah tells us that we are to come to Yahuah as little children. Children...
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Is Pride Hiding in You?

This morning I am reading a small book by John Bevere, “Recognize Your Spiritual Authority”. I found this book on a website: The book might not be in print right now, as I had to get a used one. Ruach HaKodesh quickened a sentence in my heart to also share with you today.
John Bevere was speaking about giving occasion to the enemies of Yahuah and he made the following statement about King David. 
“David’s one act of adultery led to deceit, lying, and murder.”  I paused at that sentence because Ruach HaKodesh said to me, “ Pride was the cause of his sin.” That caught my attention and I began to seek to understand more fully. 
How a sin is carried out is often very different on the surface then the cause of the sin. The cause of this sin was pride.  Pride causes us to lie. Pride causes us to attempt to hide our sin. Pride causes us to want what belongs to another. We see all these behaviors in Satan...
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